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Breakfast Meeting Ticket Policy


If you are no longer able to attend a breakfast meeting you have purchased a ticket for, we encourage you to donate your ticket! Our confidential Member Financial Aid Standby List will receive priority distribution of donated tickets.To donate your ticket, please with your name, meeting/program date and confirm that you want to donate your ticket(s). Donations will be accepted up to 2:00pm Tuesday before the breakfast you have tickets for.

Tickets may be refunded until the end of ticket sales 48 hours in advance of the meeting you have purchased a ticket for, but we would love to have you join us for a future breakfast meeting by opting for an exchange instead! To initiate a refund or exchange, please email with your name, meeting/program date and confirm whether you want a refund or provide which date you want to exchange for. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer any refunds or exchange credits after the ticket sale window has closed.

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