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® The Los Angeles Breakfast Club
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Club Logos
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Modern Photos

Walt Disney
Walt Disney on his initiation day with Guests and Mickey, September 28, 1932

Walt Disney
Walt Disney on his initiation day with Guests and Mickey, September 28, 1932

Joe DiMaggio Initiation
Joe DiMaggio being initiated on Ham the Sawhorse, with Club Manager Harold Link and member Don Lake, August 18, 1943

The Coolidges with Mary Pickford
Calvin Coolidge and Grace Coolidge on their initiation day with movie star Mary Pickford and others, February 19, 1930

Ham 'n Egg the Frog
Members send "Ham 'n Egg" the Frog off to compete at the Angels Camp Jubilee Frog Jumping Championship, April 1935

Young Actors with Ham
A group of young Columbia Studios featured day players with Ham the Sawhorse, June 13, 1934

James Wood Night
panoramic photo of attendees at James Wood Night at the original clubhouse of The Los Angeles Breakfast Club, 1927

Moon Kwan & Burr McIntosh
Moon Kwan (movie producer) with Burr McIntosh ("The Cheerful Philosopher") eating ham and eggs with chopsticks, February 8, 1933

Carl Laemmle & Sid Grauman
Hosts Carl Laemmle and Sid Grauman with conductor William Damrosch at LABC's annual Hollywood Bowl morning, July 8, 1931

The Piccards with Twins
The Piccards (famous scientist twins) with six pairs of twins from The Twins Club, March 1, 1933

Pat Shanley
Pat Shanley (center) with a fine feathered friend and Ham the Sawhorse, January 15, 1936

Leo Carrillo with Rose Court
member Leo Carrillo (1938 Rose Tournament Grand Marshall) with the 1938 Rose Court, at the first meeting at the second LABC clubhouse, December 29, 1937

Guest on Ham
Guest on Ham the Sawhorse, circa 1920s

Jim Thorpe
Jim Thorpe, "the greatest athlete of the first half of the century," with the All-American Football Team, July 20, 1932

Eddie Peabody
member and banjo extraordinaire Eddie Peabody with the Pillar of Friendship, circa 1927

Leo Carrillo & Basil Cameron
Member Leo Carrillo with Basil Cameron (English conductor) and Ham the Sawhorse, February 27 1935

Babe Ruth
Babe Ruth accepts his LABC membership card from Dr. Ernest G. Bashor on his initiation day, March 11, 1942

William Froelich
Al Malaikah Potentate William Froelich being initiated at The LABC's annual Shriners morning, January 24, 1951

Jackie Cooper
Jackie Cooper ("The Champ") on Ham the Sawhorse with Leo Carrillo and Johnny Weismuller, November 2, 1932

Jackie Cooper
Jackie Cooper ("The Champ") with 1933 Tournament of Roses Court and Leo Carrillo, Johnny Weismuller, and Tom Mix, November 2, 1932

Tom Mix
Tom Mix (center) playing guitar with Ham the Sawhorse, date unknown

Sir Nevile & Lady Beatrix
Sir Nevile Wilkinson & Lady Beatrix Wilkinson with Ham the Sawhorse, March 14, 1928

Harold Lloyd
Harold Lloyd, November 1, 1939

Ed Wynn
Disney Legend Ed Wynn on Ham the Sawhorse with Fire Chief Ralph Scott, on his initiation day, July 12 1933

Harold Lloyd & Tom Mix
Al Malaikah Potentate/silent screen legend Harold Lloyd, Tom Mix and others at The LABC's annual Shriners morning, November 1, 1939

Happy Ham
cartoon by Tina Kugler, vibrant color version

Happy Ham
cartoon by Tina Kugler, color version

Club Placemat
the breakfast tables are set with these placemats featuring the Club's principles and the crytpogram

Ham the Sawhorse
illustrated version - from the placemat

The Buried Hatchet
illustrated club principle, "keeps us from worrying too much about yesterday’s disappointments" - from the placemat

The Oil Can
illustrated club principle, "keeps the friction out of life’s machinery" - from the placemat

The Golden Rule
illustrated club principle - from the placemat

The Golden Shovel
illustrated club principle, "can always dig up something good in the human clay of every person" - from the placemat

The Rangers
traditional Club sub-group, not currently active - from the placemat

The Roosters
traditional Club sub-group, known for their gentle "heckling" - from the placemat

illustration club principle - from the placemat

Club Principles
alternate version, date unknown

club principle

Golden Rule
club principle

The Oil Can
club principle

Golden Shovel
club principle

Buried Hatchet
club principle

Club Principles
alternate version, date unknown

Podium with Initiation Eggs
The LABC podium with two fresh sunny-side-up eggs ready for initiations, photo credit Christopher Gibson

LABC Placemat
the placemat featuring the Club's principles, and a fresh cup of coffee

Walt Disney and Bob Gurr
Bob Gurr re-creates a historic photo of Walt Disney on their Initiation Days (Walt Disney initiated September 28, 1932 and Bob Gurr initiated February 28, 2024) - Bob Gurr photo credit Larry Underhill

Chris Crump and Bob Gurr
Chris Crump with new honorary initiate Bob Gurr, February 28, 2024

Bob Gurr
Bob Gurr on his initiation day, February 28, 2024

Leonard Maltin
Leonard Maltin with Club President Nora Vetter, 20xx, photo credit Christopher Gibson

Bob Gurr
Bob Gurr, June 2023, photo credit Christopher Gibson

Breakfast Meeting
a breakfast meeting being held at Friendship Auditorium, photo credit Larry Underhill

Breakfast Meeting
a breakfast meeting being held at Friendship Auditorium, photo credit Larry Underhill

Garibaldina Society
breakfast meeting table set with Garibaldina Society napkins and traditional Italian cookies during a presentation from Garibaldina 2023 President Nicole Infante, November 22, 2023 photo credit Christopher Gibson

Ham the Sawhorse with the Weinermobile, September 21, 2022

Bob Baker Marionette
Alex Evans, Co-Executive Director of the Bob Baker Marionette Theater, puppeteers Bull the Frog for the Los Angeles Breakfast Club, February 17, 2021

Crescenta Valley High School's Falkon Robotics Team
Crescenta Valley High School's Falkon Robotics Team shows off their student-built, fully functional, five foot tall, 120 pound competition robot to the Los Angeles Breakfast Club, August 31, 2022

Grand Salute
Two members embrace in the Grand Salute during a breakfast meeting, photo credit Larry Underhill

Grand Salute
Members shake hands in the Grand Salute during a breakfast meeting, photo credit Larry Underhill

Roosters Table
The Roosters deliver a friendly heckle during a breakfast meeting, February 2024, photo credit Larry Underhill

Member Mike Hain leads the Reading of the Cryptogram, photo credit Larry Underhill

Don Snyder
Music Director Don Snyder during a breakfast meeting, 2024, photo credit Larry Underhill

Don Snyder
Music Director Don Snyder during a breakfast meeting, 2024, photo credit Larry Underhill

Nora Vetter Initiation
Club President (2022-2024) Nora Vetter initiated by longtime Club President Lily Leirness, photo credit Christopher Gibson

Member Initiation
member initiation, 2023, photo credit Christopher Gibson

Member Initiation
member initiation, 2024, photo credit Christopher Gibson