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Good Ham-aritan Award





March 2024: Patti Rayne

February 2024: Jason Berk

January 2024: Sabrina Parke

December 2023: Brianne Richard

November 2023: Carole Nese

October 2023: Kevin Segall

September 2023: Shannon Watters 

August 2023: Sandy Boucher

July 2023: Bill Siefke

June 2023: Rachel Skytt

May 2023: Don Snyder

April 2023: Jonathan Reich 

March 2023: Celeste Hong

February 2023: Nick Maiorino

January 2023: Jill Masters

December 2022: Joanna Westerholm Linkchorst

November 2022: Kahlil Nelson

October 2022: Mike Hain

September 2022: Eric Kurland

Part of our mission statement states that The Los Angeles Breakfast Club is where the Golden Shovel can always dig up something good in the human clay of every person. 


The Good Ham-aritan Award acknowledges this good! 

Members have the opportunity to nominate their fellow Ham an’ Eggs for this monthly award by sharing their good deeds inside and outside of the Club. 


MEMBERS ONLY:  Nominate a Good Ham-aritan here!

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